Exploring and Building Open [Source] Software for Tech-savvy Educators and OER Publishers


I recently tweeted the key problems Grav Open Course Hub was created to solve for tech-savvy educators, and I thought I would share them here:

  1. Pedagogical goals are unmet by the current Learning Platform (e.g. LMS or CMS) alone
  2. Student and facilitator experiences, especially multi-device,...

The Grav Course Hub project was created for individual tech-savvy instructors who want an open and collaborative course space in their full control.

Flipped LMS Approach Using Grav Course Hub with Git Sync
Figure 1. Flipped LMS approach using Grav Course Hub with Git Sync.

Diagram of Grav Course Hub with Git Sync supported collaboration and workflows
Figure 1. Grav Course Hub with Git Sync supported collaboration and workflows.

Grav Course Hub with Git Sync Visualization
Figure 1. Grav Course Hub with Git Sync workflow visualization.